I need to remember: Even if your class is small and your assignments seem manageable, midterm week is hell. Somehow I compounded it by taking on an editing job (though I’m very proud of Gayla Drummond’s newest release, Dark Souls) and still trying to keep up with my daily word counts.
At least I finished all my school work on time.
I’m so close to the end of book 2, I can taste it–though I know I’ve said that before. My newest plan revision calls for the first draft to be completed by Wednesday, out to beta readers until the weekend, and off to my editor after that. In theory, that will allow me to complete final edits and revisions, formatting, and remaining production details for an end-of-month release.
We’ll see how it goes. So I’m keeping this check-in short, to get back to my manuscript.
In the meantime, visit the list of the other ROW80 participants to see where they stand in relation to their goals.
Thanks, guys. What got me was the 3-hour, 5-essay-question test… that had a question that seemed designed to test our Google-fu more than what we had gone over in class…
The good news: I just got my grades… 100% on all three assignments.
Sometimes in small doses, this level of work can be very invigorating, make me feel alive with accomplishment and engagement. Other times its overwhelming and the stress is depleting. Hope its the first bit for you. I know what it’s like to always have a lot on the plate. Good luck, may mid terms go well and the writing excel!!
Tonya, the very best of luck with your mid terms. You’re doing great on the writing side. I hope the pace of life allows you to stay in balance and keep moving forward.
And Gayla is grateful you did. =)