ROW80 Check-in: Lazy Days and Mondays

sleepy pupI had been doing so well. This week, though, I managed less than 1/10th of my goal: Not quite 500 words added to my current WIP.

I had plans to get more done yesterday, or even today, but somehow, sleeping won out. Something about going to a friend’s parent’s funeral just saps me–and this summer I’ve been to more of those than happy occasions. It’s a strange reminder of mortality that should be spurring me on to additional productivity. Instead, I spend the days surrounding those events in a daze. Looking more like Natasha stretched out for a nap (and since I say that, I’ll share a picture of her new favorite position on my office couch) than a creative machine.

Not that I would consider myself a machine, either, but I’m more used to meeting goals I’ve set for myself than not, so I’m not sure where this apathy for continuing my story is coming from.

I spent the week gathering paperwork for starting school, and world-building with Gayla on a whole new story idea. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also a plot bunny that I need to learn to ignore a little to get my other work back on track.

Since class starts on Tuesday, too, I’m worried about whether I’ll have the time and focus to be able to continue adding words to Blood to Fire. Because of that, I’m reducing my expectations, and hoping that I write at least 1K words to advance that story. We’ll see how it goes when I check in next week.

Please find more Row80 participants HERE.

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2 thoughts on “ROW80 Check-in: Lazy Days and Mondays

  1. Just do the best you can when you can. There are times when we are more productive than other times. Don’t push yourself TOO hard. Adjust your goals however you need to. Good luck this week!

    1. Thanks! I just worry about getting in the lazy habit, so I’m also counting on these public accountability sessions to keep myself on track. 😉

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