Hump Day Hook: Blood to Fire #HDH

Hump Day HookOne of my crit pals, Sarah Cass, recently shared this meme by Kerrianne Coombs as another way of promoting our Works in Progress. The idea is to share a paragraph or two of what’s in train (or, what’s already published). Because it’s a blog hop, too, you get the chance to see what a bunch of other authors are working on as well–and the possibility of stumbling onto something new for your library. Click on the banner to see the other participants, and share commentary or feedback among the group.

Since I’ve been teasing you with progress on book two of the Red Slaves series, Blood to Fire, then, I figured you might like a preview of some of those words:

We laugh but fall silent again soon enough. I’m struck by how wildly my moods have been vacillating in the past 6 weeks. I can scream and laugh and cry all in the same hour–and do multiple times a day. I’m beginning to annoy myself with all this emotionalism. It’s not rational. It’s out of character. What else has changed in me? How much more will I change?

I’m startled out of my deep thoughts as we turn another corner and all but run into Ivan and Andrei. Olga skips and throws herself at her husband. “Did you miss me?”

“Of course! That’s why we came looking for you.” He’s caressing her face as if she were a rare, wild mink who had only barely allowed itself to be touched. It’s difficult to watch, but I resolutely keep my eyes away from Ivan. The semi-precious stones inlaid at the curve of the wall into the ceiling are more beautiful and intricate than I had previously appreciated. They almost look like living scales.

There you have it… part of my ongoing obsession with Anne, Ivan, and the rest of the crew from Dust to Blood.

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