Picking Up The Pieces

"Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment." - Jason Hairston
Quote on the background of a yellow-colored individual turning aside from a mass of green-colored individuals.

There’s an interesting dynamic these days whereby some are convinced we’re fully post-pandemic, and others are worried about the resurgence of people becoming ill. There are more calls for more time to be spent in the office, and people are still having a hard time not making Events out of every gathering. And there are economic prognostications about the impact of taking away some of the pandemic pauses, like those that have been in place for student loans.

The bit I’ve been reading more about has to do with the buildings in which work takes place. There is an interesting historical view about the “pastoral corporation“. Then there’s the contrasting view from an architectural firm’s CEO that there’s not enough focus on how things have shifted to embrace hybrid work.

For myself, having moved more rurally last year, and the success we’ve had with the raised bed gardens we planted, my focus has been on rewilding the property. Apparently that’s a different recent theme: Replace grass, give your yard back to nature, and garden a forest. So I’ve found resources to track down native plants, organic seeds, and food forest bloggers. Even though it hadn’t been part of my motivation, a logical consequence of this is likely additional longevity.

I’ve also returned to stargazing, though it looks like our satellite dependence will shift our skyscape in the very near future, too.

With the dividends in energy I’m getting from eating so much produce and enjoying the quieter pace, I have actually managed to start creaking back into a writing rhythm. I closed out chapter two of book three last week, and today got a small motivation boost by seeing that someone had decided to start reading my Red Slaves trilogy. I don’t know how long it will take me to finish the third in the Planet Seekers trilogy, but there, too, I’ve had a bit of a motivational boost, hearing the first several chapters of book 1 beautifully read into audiobook format.

As always, I’ll keep you posted on my progress, and the impact of the random bits of reporting and research that continue to drive my curiosity.

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One thought on “Picking Up The Pieces

  1. I salute your effort to return The Compound of Love and Dreams to its natural state and produce delicious, fresh, organic food on your property. Salute.

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