Find BalanceAs anticipated last week… it’s been a crazy week. The vague tickle in the back of my throat became a full-bore sore throat this week, and culminated in a few days first of a patchy voice, then being reduced to being the whisperer. Given that I had to lead a multi-hour Scrum-planning meeting Friday… I didn’t have time to stay home and rest, nor the ability to avoid talking. It’s made for an exhausting set of days. It even made the predictability of crying at the end of La Boheme last night slightly more painful, as the emotional lump in my throat competed for space with the illness-generated soreness that already existed.

For those of you who know me at all… you won’t be surprised that I retreated to book-world to give myself some mental space and quiet time. I read Curtsies & Conspiracies Friday, and Be My Love this morning.

Of course, I’m thrilled I’m finding time to read again, but it also meant I was rushing to complete the 5-page paper due at midnight.


Ohwell. At least it means I’m down to four more weeks of assignments. I’m not sure I’ll make the time to post any more reviews before the end of my MBA program, but I’m building up a nice back-log of books that deserve them for December, when I will… at least, according to the goals I set at the beginning of this round. We’ll see whether I manage three in the week between the end of class and the end of this round.


Mostly, at this point, I’m giddy that in six days we get our newest furbabies. Natasha has started responding to questions about her brother and sister by going to find toys or going outside to look for them, so she’s about as impatient for their arrival as I am. She was also happy we did our 2.7-mile circuit three days in a row early in the week; not so happy that was it for the week, though, since weather, exhaustion, and schedule conflicts made more walks too difficult.

The most interesting and challenging thing about being voiceless this week has been the realization of how much my relationship with hubs relies on regular and consistent conversation. It was frustrating to both of us to want to say things, but to be constrained by the hoarse squeaks and noises I could manage. In the light of that realization, the link to an article a friend posted about the elements required for a lasting relationship were particularly illuminating. We’re more dependent on words of support for each other than we had realized, so while it’s been nice to have hubs delivering tea, not being able to properly appreciate the things he’s done has felt like a gap.

I need my words.

So I’m very glad my voice seems to be coming back, and I won’t be taking its strength for granted again any time soon. Until next week, then, use your words to appreciate your loved ones, and go visit the other ROW80ers to cheer them on, too.

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One thought on “Finding Balance

  1. Glad that you are feeling better. A sore throat and not being able to talk is terrible. Glad that you got to read as well. that’s what I have been doing lately. Feels good.

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