#AtoZChallenge – B is for Books

BooksOne of the clearest ways Red Slaves reflects my own preferences and inclinations is the obsession with the printed word. For Anne, if it has been published, it has a level of credibility it would be hard to otherwise trust.

In fact, she spends the first few months after her initial transformation bent on pretending she’s still a researcher, enjoying the trove of books in her new home.

Here again, technology has outstripped the time in which the story is set. The Internet didn’t become something widely available in the U.S. until the early- to mid-90s; Anne still had the joy of digging through card catalogs and enjoying the fine vellums of ancient tomes.

It’s lucky she’s not allergic to book dust the way I am. One of the biggest annoyances of my life is opening an old book and sneezing in the face of the puff of dust it releases with the underlying scent of mold. Even though my eBook library is growing, I don’t think I’ll ever move away from printed material, either–despite complaints by those who have helped us schlep box after box of BOOKS.

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4 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge – B is for Books

  1. 😀
    I’m *totally* with Cicero when he says, “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” And, Kate, I wonder if eBooks have quite the same impact that way…

  2. I agree that printed books are great and I love the way they look on my many bookshelves. I do however love the fact that I always have my book with my on my phone because I never know when I will have an opportunity to read a few pages. I finish electronic books much more quickly than my printed ones because they are always with me.

    Good luck on the A-Z challenge from a fellow A-Zer


  3. I agree with you – there is something particularly special about printed books that I just can’t give them up! Glad to have you along on the A to Z challenge!

    *~ MAJK ~*


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