This week has felt mostly like too much work and too little time, built on way too little sleep. So now I’m fighting a cold again. My body rebels when I push too hard, so I’m glad I’ve had a chance to rest a little this weekend. And I’m done with all the remaining book tour posts (including the last-minute ones I had to finish by Wednesday).
In terms of meeting my goals: I’m still on top of my school assignments, which is shocking in its own way. I remember how often I missed deadlines throughout my earlier school career, so I have to assume that something about online delivery makes this kind of schooling more organized for me. Or something. It’s not dissimilar to the motivation I find in NaNoWriMo, and that slowly increasing bar chart graphing my results.
As to NaNoWriMo results… That’s where all the other priorities have taken their bite. Still, a week and a half in, and I’m over 7K words further in my story. I’ve figured out a place to retreat for an away-from-my-desk lunch break that allows me to chip in to my daily word totals as bonus time.
My foggy, fighting-cold head this weekend didn’t let me get ahead the way I had hoped, but I had my first day of beating the target word count yesterday. I may be warming up to faster word count totals now that I’ve spent a little time kicking the proverbial can back and forth with my publisher on what would constitute good plot developments to target, too.
It’s not unheard of for me to manage over 2K words in a productive evening after work, so this week’s goal will be to catch up to, and get ahead of where I’m supposed to be in my NaNo count–as well as keeping current with my schoolwork. We’ll see how it goes.
Visit the list of other ROW80 participants to see how they’re dealing with their goals.
My health has become a great gauge for determining when I’m in over my head. It’s amazing how quickly our bodies let us know that we need to get more rest and back off for a little bit.
It’s frustrating, too, because it feels like we have to push through in order to reach our goals, but I find I’m far more productive after taking the break.
Hope you get some rest soon!
I had to crash today, but sleep does work wonders; I’m just grateful I had sick leave built up to be able to do it.