DementionalIt’s that time in the book production process that I once again had my day hijacked in the best possible way: Gayla (@scath) hit another homer with this beautiful cover for my latest book.

Dementional is slated for release 8/23, so is currently in the middle of the editing process… and I’m trying to be a little more on the ball ahead of time with promotional stuff, so the next few weeks are going to be BUSY.

In the meantime, I’ve added the book’s information as I have it so far to Goodreads. If anyone is so inclined, I’d appreciate if you’d add it to your to-read list.


My current, super-short description: A particle physicist loses a Higgs Boson and has to find both his new wife and his way home after slipping through dimensions because of his experiment going awry.

It’s classified as a scifi romance for an adult audience.

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2 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: Dementional

  1. This is one awesome cover. I am so all putting your books on my to do list. Sorry its taken me so long but I’ve lost in mine for awhile. Heading on over to Good reads now.

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